Followers of Chaos
Also referred to as “FOCs”, the Followers of Chaos is a religious teaching that has been classified as a cult. The core philosophy is that order, organization, and structure (brought about by humans) are the mechanations of something unholy and pervert the chaos of natural order.
There is no official organization to the FOCs and often the label is slapped on or adopted by any group that perpetuates anarchy or destruction. The label is also used somewhat crudely as a hyperbolic expression for politicians that tout ideals about streamlining processes or deregulations.
Still, some larger, official groups of FOCs form once in awhile, claiming to be the true “Followers of Chaos.” They find refuge in ruins on Mirth or as most recently discovered, on some distant planets left unexplored by the International Center for Astral Projection (ICAP). It is rumored that these FOC colonies are plotting large-scale assaults on Mirth or other colonies.